Fellowship is the heart of St. Andrew's. We aren't just a church, we're a family and we love welcoming new family members. Below is a list of some of our fellowship programs. We are always adding more and looking for new ways to connect with each other through Christ.
Coffee Hour
Coffee hour takes place after each 10 am Sunday service. We have a wonderful variety of refreshments each week provided by different members. It is a time for fellowship and friendship.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
This group affiliates itself with the national ECW and strives to promote the Christian faith in the community and beyond.
At St. Andrew's all women who attend are automatically members of this group. Click here for the Episcopal Church Women's Prayer.
Each year our ECW members bake pies to be sold on the Saturday morning of Rendezvous weekend in July. The money raised is given to several outreach ministries throughout the world. Many years members make crab apple jelly to sell in the fall which also supports our giving. We have a great annual Christmas Party and usually gather for a one night and day retreat.
Men's Monthly Breakfast
Once a month we hold a men's breakfast at the church at 7:00 am on the 3rd Friday of the month .
Seven @ Six
On occasion the church organizes 7@6 Dinner groups as a hospitable way for people to become better acquainted with each other. The groups include full families, singles, and couples and don't always end up with only 7 in them. Someone hosts the first dinner while others bring side dishes. Then it rotates through the other people in the group for turns hosting. Each group gathers
3-4 times to share a meal together. Then they are done until the next round of sign-up starts and groups are reorganized. It is a good way for new members to integrate into the life of the community.
For information about these or other programs, or if you have an idea for a fellowship program, please call
307-749-3265 or email us at standrewsinthepines@gmail.com